Optimizing Your Content Marketing Processes with Kane Jamison

Do you hire freelance writers and content creators to support your content marketing efforts?

If you are, you’ve probably experienced this:

  • Content that is completely off-base

  • What you envisioned in your head is NOT what you received.

  • The inevitable deflation you feel when you receive your deliverables that didn’t meet your goals.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but it might not be your contractor. 

It is likely the creative brief - or lack thereof - that is the issue.

In today’s episode, Kane Jamison of Content Harmony talks about how to build creative briefs that give clear direction to your creators, so you get exactly what you want every time.

Kane Jamison

I'm the founder of Content Harmony, a content marketing software suite. We started as agency, helping our clients plan and produce great content, promote it to their target audience, and measure the results.

Now we build software that lets us share that scale that process to thousands of customers. Specifically we’ve built a fast and reliable process for SEOs and content marketers to build content briefs for writers and clients, and then follow up by grading their content against our AI-driven topic model.

Thank you for joining us today! I hope you walk away from this episode with the knowledge to write creative briefs that save you time and money.

  • No more endless revisions.

  • No more complete re-writes.

  • And no more project throwaways.

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Show Notes

  • TBD


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